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Harvoni | User Review |Side Effects | Prescription and Does

What is Harvoni?

Harvoni is utilized to deal with hepatitis Chemical in adults. It includes a combination of ledipasvir and sofosbuvir. Both are antiviral drugs that stop (HCV) hepatitis Chemical virus cells from multiplying in patient’s body.

Important info about Harvoni:

Inform all to your doctor about all your medical problems, allergies, and all disease or medicines history before taking Harvoni. And follow all directions in your drug label.

Before using this drug:

Avoid  Harvoni if you are also using sofosbuvir tablets or in case you are allergic to sofosbuvir and ledipasvir. And inform your doctor if you have any liver problem in except hepatitis C, kidney disease or in case you have recently used amiodaron. Also tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby, pregnant or plan to become pregnant.

Harvoni is not recommended for use by younger than 18 years old.

You can take user review and feedback from about their harvoni success stories.
harvoni success stories

How can I take Harvoni?

Harvoni is generally taken once every day. Here, you should Take Harvoni just as prescribed by of your medical adviser.

You could possibly take Harvoni along with or with no food. Take the medicine at the same time each morning. You may use this drug with or without food. In case your doctor recommends blood tests you should go for regular blood test.  Store Harvoni in room temperature and keep away from moisture and heat.

Harvoni dosing information

  • 1 tablet orally once daily;
  • Duration of Therapy:
  • Therapy-naive sufferers without cirrhosis: twelve weeks; eight weeks can be viewed in case pretreatment HCV RNA below 6,000,000 (6 million) international units/ml;
  • Therapy-naive sufferers together with cirrhosis: twelve weeks
  • Therapy-experienced sufferers without cirrhosis: twelve weeks
  • Therapy-experienced sufferers with cirrhosis: twenty four weeks
  • What should I avoid whilst taking Harvoni?
  • Do not take antacid 4 hours before or 4 hours after you take Harvoni. This specifically includes antacids that have aluminum or magnesium.

Taking Harvoni will not stop an individual from transferring hepatitis C to other individuals. Do not share toothbrushes and avoid unprotected sex.

Harvoni unwanted side effects

In case any of those side effects do come about, they may need medical attention.

Several side effects that could occur having ledipasvir or sofosbuvir might not exactly need medical attention.  As your body system adjusts to the drug during treatment these side effects may go away. Your doctor is often able to share with you ways to reduce or prevent many of these unwanted side effects. In case some of the following unwanted side effects continue, are disturbing or for those who have any inquiries about these individuals, check using your health proper care professional:

More common side effects

  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Trouble in sleeping
  • Unusual tiredness or weakness